Understanding The Game

The PFA is committed to providing policy leadership and support to ensure Australia is the best governed football nation in the world, is internationally competitive on and off the field and is a central part of Australian culture. The PFA’s research and reports continue to entrench the organisation’s position as thought leaders in Australian football, which provides the players a powerful and credible voice.

In addition to the PFA’s annual W-League and A-League reports, for the first time the PFA released an extensive research report that reviewed Australia’s national youth competition, the Y-League, through a combination of historical analysis and surveying of current players. The Y-League Pathway & Workplace Conditions Report examined the past five seasons of Australia’s youth development league, uncovering the pathway and experiences of over 700 footballers who have appeared in the competition since its restructure in 2015.

Brand and Communications

The PFA continues to utilise a range of platforms and channels to communicate with its members and amplify its work with the broader public. In the past 12 months, the PFA has increased its regular communication and digital output to ensure its membership and the broader football public are engaged, informed and updated on key aspects of PFA work and policy.

This was particularly vital during COVID-19, when the PFA created a ‘Covid-19 Information Hub’ for its members to access critical information related to the pandemic’s impact on football scheduling, health guidelines, Government restrictions and return to play protocols.

Audience Metrics









PFA Website

71,100 visitors (+12%)

PFA Coronavirus Hub

1,700 visits from 43 countries

Marston Newsletter

933 subscribers

Footballers' Voice Podcast

5 episodes