A senior delegation from FIFPro Asia led by Chairman, Brendan Schwab and PonaryoAstaman, the new President of AsosiasiPemainSepakbolaProfesional Indonesia (“APPI”), met with Indonesia’s football leaders in Jakarta during the week of 8 August 2011.
The leaders included IR DjoharArifinHusin, the President of PersatuanSepakbolaSeluruh Indonesia (“PSSI”), the Indonesian Football Association, members of the new Executive Committee of PSSI and Widijajanto, the CEO of Liga Primer Indonesia (“LPI”).
The meeting agreed on the importance of cooperation among the PSSI, LPI, FIFPro Asia and APPI, the Indonesian players’ association. Other challenges were also discussed, including the restructure of Indonesa’s professional football league, and conformity with FIFA regulations, such as the establishment of minimum contract standards and a National Dispute Resolution Chamber in accordance with the standards agreed with FIFPro.
In a separate meeting with LPI, FIFPro Asia was advised that LPI plan to 1) terminate all player contracts as of 30 June 2011, 2) provide two months severance pay to players (July and August) and 3) through the newly restructured league, sign players to new contracts in the first week of September.
LPI expressed the expectation that all of the Australian players will be signed to clubs, but cautioned that this will ultimately depend on the number of clubs that will take part in the restructured competition, as several of the clubs may cease to exist. The number of clubs will not be announced until the first week of September, immediately before player contracting begins.
LPI has now sent out termination letters to players and has asked them to sign releases.
FIFPro Asia is advising that players should not sign releases until after they are paid any money they are owed, including the severance payment, and that they sign a new contract on terms acceptable to them. To be clear, the order should be:
1. payment of all outstanding amounts and severances;
2. execution of a new playing contract on acceptable terms; and
3. execution of the release of the players’ current contract.
FIFPro Asia is examining what rights players will have if their former clubs continue in the merged league, with a view to seeking payment of bonuses and other payments due from those clubs through negotiation and, if needed, legal means, including, but not limited to the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber. As always, a negotiated solution would be in everyone’s interest, so FIFPro Asia will continue discussions with both LPI and PSSI.
FIFPro Asia Chairman Brendan Schwab said the players supported the reform of Indonesian football especially due to its immense commercial and professional future. However, it is important that the rights of the players are respected, given that many signed multi-year deals with the LPI.
“With legal restructuring, it may be a complicated legal situation,” Schwab said. “However, the dialogue between FIFPro Asia, APPI, the PSSI and the LPI provides the basis for an agreement to be reached in the best interests of football. In particular, we look to the LPI to adhere to its founding principles, most notably, the respect for players’ rights and professional standards.” Schwab added.
As the situation unfolds, FIFPro Asia will keep players apprised of information as it is received and take all steps available to protect the rights of players.