The PFA believes that on-field racism is not a problem in Australia as a result of the actions of the PFA and Australian players. However, the best way to ensure that this remains the case is greater engagement between the PFA and FFA.
Football Cannot be Complacent About Racism: PFA
Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) Chief Executive Brendan Schwab has today reminded all PFA members that the Football Federation Australia (FFA) Member Protection Policy developed in consultation with the PFA is designed to ensure that racism has no place in Australian football.
Following comments concerning racism in football by FIFA President, SeppBlatter, a media storm recently engulfed football. Mr Blatter’s comments that on-field racism could be resolved with a handshake after the game caused a significant controversy about football’s ability to handle on-field racial vilification.
The PFA rejects the idea that on-field racism is a problem in Australian football and this is in no small part due to the actions of the PFA and Australian players. However, football must remain vigilant in the fight against racism.
Schwab said “Whatever the context of Mr Blatter’s comments, here in Australia the PFA has pursued a strong and consistent position to eliminate on-field racism in football. Players in Australia have a long history of acting to remove racism in football. This history extends all the way back to the NSL and now into the A-League.
“The PFA has sought from FFA that on-field racism be addressed through education, conciliation and mediation. This combination of prevention and cure assists the game by giving players the information and tools to remove racism from the game. It provides players with the ability to take ownership of both the conduct and resolution of any dispute involving racism.
“This approach is enshrined in both the FFA Member Protection Policy and the A-League Disciplinary Regulations.
“The PFA has ensured that these policies are in place as a result of collective bargaining between the PFA and FFA. There is no doubt that policies jointly developed between players’ associations and governing bodies have the best record in resolving complex grievances, on and off the field. A joint approach also better positions the game to champion social causes such as equal opportunity and multi-cultrualism.
“However, now is not the time to be complacent about these matters. More should always be done to educate players, to ensure that all stakeholders in the game are given full information about their rights and responsibilities on and off the field. It is important that the FFA continues to engage with the PFA to ensure that football in Australia keeps its players, which are the reason why fans watch and come to games, centrally involved in the fight against racism.”