FIFPro Asia Chairman Brendan Schwab today confirmed that the Asosiasi Pemain Sepakbola Profesional Indonesia (APPI) remains the exclusive players’ association for Indonesia’s professional footballers as recognised by FIFPro, the world players’ association.
FIFPro is the exclusive collective representative of the world’s professional footballers under an agreement signed with FIFA in November 2006. As a result, FIFPro is instrumentally involved in many of FIFA’s key bodies, including the FIFA Strategic Committee and the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber. FIFPro’s 55 member players’ associations represent more than 55,000 professional footballers.
“APPI is a member of FIFPro and is recognised as the exclusive collective representative body of Indonesia’s professional footballers. FIFPro Asia is very impressed with the development of APPI under President PonaryoAstaman and will continue to support APPI in its efforts to grow the game and defend Indonesia’s professional footballers at this most challenging time,” Mr Schwab said.
Mr Schwab also announced that it had completed its investigation into allegations involving AryaAbhiseka during his tenure as Chief Executive Officer of APPI, which ended in November 2010.
The thorough investigation involved a Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Board of the Asian Division of FIFProand supported by a report conducted by the Jakarta office of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
“I am also pleased to advise that FIFPro Asia has settled the matters under investigation with Mr Abhiseka,” Mr Schwab said. “FIFPro will not be taking any further action against Mr Abhiseka or in relation to the matters under investigation, which are now considered closed,” Mr Schwab added.
The Commission of Inquiry into APPI comprised:
• Rob Buijs (Netherlands), FIFPro Financial Controller and Secretary to the FIFPro Financial Committee (Chairman);
• Takuya Yamazaki (Japan), lawyer for the Japan Professional Footballers’ Association and Deputy Chairman of FIFPro Asia; and
• Andrew Scott-Howman (New Zealand), lawyer for the New Zealand Professional Footballers’ Association and member of the Board of FIFPro Asia.
Frederique Winia (Netherlands), the Senior General Secretary of FIFPro Asia, acted as Secretary to the Commission.
“I would like to thank the members of the APPI Commission of Inquiry for their thorough and professional work for the benefit of Indonesia’s professional footballers and FIFPro,” Mr Schwab concluded.