Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) has today warned Central Coast Mariners that its treatment of Liam Reddy is in breach of its legal obligations to the player.
PFA Chief Executive Adam Vivian said the PFA would launch legal action if the club continued in its attempts to bully and harass the goalkeeper out of the club.
“Despite having been one of the Mariners’ most consistent and important players over the past few seasons, Liam was this week informed that he is no longer in the clubs plans,” said Vivian.
“In an attempt to force Liam to leave on terms suitable to the club, the Mariners have threatened him with the prospect of training alone and have issued him with a second written breach notice, despite never having received a first.
“This action taken by the club is simply unacceptable and is hugely damaging to Liam’s reputation and, more broadly, to that of the A-League. The club has demonstrated its unwillingness to deal with Liam in a professional and respectful manner.
“If the club does not cease in its attempts to force Liam out of the Mariners and continues to disregard his contractual rights the PFA will not hesitate to take action.”
Beau Busch | Media and Communications Manager
PH: +61 (0) 432 763 485