Following the closure of the transfer window in Europe, Professional Footballers Australia (the PFA) can announce it has recovered over $12m in professional players’ wages through its legal and advocacy services during the past three years.

  • Between 2016-2019, the PFA opened 434 cases on behalf of Australian players
  • 37.3% (162) of these cases related to contract enforcement 

Representing Australian players based domestically or overseas, the PFA has prosecuted 434 cases through its in-house legal team comprising Chief Executive John Didulica and Head of Legal Angela Collins.

Didulica said the outcomes for players demonstrated the PFA’s ongoing commitment to representing the players with distinction. 

“Core to the PFA’s work is representing and advocating for players’ conditions and contracts. 

“Through player representation, the PFA ensures that when a player commits to a contract, they receive all the entitlements they are due under that deal.

“Over the past three years the PFA has been successful in ensuring over $12m has been secured for Australian footballers playing internationally or within Australia.

“It’s a wonderful testament to the legal counsel we have, Angela Collins, who does an amazing job on behalf of the players.”

Over this period, the PFA has represented players in 29 different countries and legal jurisdictions around the world, including the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber and the International Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Brent Griffiths received support from the PFA during a contract dispute while playing in Indonesia in 2017.

The PFA fought Griffiths’ case through FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) for almost a year before the PFA won the case and Griffiths was compensated in full.

Griffiths praised the PFA’s role in assisting him through a challenging period. 

“After I realised something wasn’t right over in Indonesia, I contacted the PFA,” Griffiths said. 

“Ange talked me through the process and provided great advice and helped me file a grievance. The PFA provided great support and advice; then what you do as a player, is really up to you.” 

The PFA’s in-house legal team provides world class expertise and service within professional sport and in player representation, and legal advice and assistance in areas including:

  • Collective Bargaining Agreement advice
  • Contract enforcement
  • Contract advice and negotiation
  • Protecting player image rights and commercial matters
  • Player transfer and registration rules
  • Representation and advocacy services for a wide variety of dispute resolution processes including disciplinary hearings
  • Dealings with player agents and player agent agreements