Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) has continued its extensive player visits as it looks to ensure all members are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the recently agreed ‘whole of game’ collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

Having already provided the Matildas,and a number of A-League members, with a detailed presentation on the new CBA, it was the turn of Perth Glory last week.

Highlighting the many hard won benefits of the new CBA and the role it can play in further growing Australian football, PFA Player Relations Manager Simon Colosimo said the presentations were an important in ensuring that all players understand their rights and that the new agreement is implemented as it was intended.

“The players were forced to fight extremely hard to secure the current CBA and a detailed understanding of it is invaluable in ensuring that the players get what they bargained for,” said Colosimo.

“The visits to date have highlighted the high levels of engagement amongst our members, their deep understanding of Australian football and the role the CBA has played in the continued growth of the game.

“The new CBA Player Facts Books have been extremely well received and the feedback from the players is that they have made all elements of the CBA much easier to understand.”

Perth Glory goalkeeper Jerrad Tyson said the meeting had provided all players with a strong understanding of the new CBA.

“I think the CBA is extremely important and we need to have a really good understanding of it and it was great to have the PFA come out and see us,” said Tyson.

“We made a lot of progress with the CBA. Some of the key issues that players face such, as transition have started to be addressed along with contract security.

“The CBA has been critical not just for the players but for the league and has helped it to grow.  It is really important that the CBA is implemented as we intended.”

Central Coast Mariners defender Josh Rose said the players were pleased with the impact the CBA had already had.

“The provisions on overdue payables are a big step forward and it was great to see clubs bring their outstanding payments up to date with players,” said Rose.

“Through this CBA we have also made progress in helping players in transition and it was great to have the PFA out to the club to explain to us the services and programs that are available to us.”