Several PFA members from within the Socceroos have continued their support for humanitarian causes during the FIFA international window, donating a percentage of their match fees to causes in both Palestine and Bangladesh. 

Their financial support will aid responses to Oxfam’s humanitarian efforts in Palestine, as it did last November. 

A portion of the players’ match payments will also go to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aid efforts at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, the world’s largest refugee camp. 

The PFA — which also supported the players’ donations last year—will donate to both causes through the Footballers’ Trust.  

“Through football, we have the privilege of seeing the world, and in doing so, we have an opportunity to attempt to have a positive impact both at home and abroad,” Socceroo and PFA president Jackson Irvine told ESPN. 

“The events in the Middle East have been horrific. The loss of so many civilian lives — on October 7 and for the eight months since in Palestine — has just been devastating. 

“Right now, there are people that need immediate resources, immediate, potentially life changing support, and so that’s where we need to direct our impact. 

“While in Thailand and Bangladesh, we learned about the Rohingya and their situation in Cox’s Bazar, which is the largest refugee camp in the world. The conditions there are really shocking — it’s overcrowded, and they live in small shelters. 

“Anything we can do to help is vital.” 

PFA Co-Chief Executive Beau Busch added: “The players continue to provide important leadership for the game. 

“Whilst the geopolitics can be complex, the level of suffering occurring as a result of conflict in the Middle East, and the Rohingya people seeking refuge in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, is simply devastating. 

“Having taken the opportunity to understand how they can best support relief efforts, the players are making a positive contribution by consistently supporting several humanitarian causes over the years.” 

Oxfam Australia Chief Executive Officer Lyn Morgain added: “We are pleased to acknowledge the generosity and solidarity of several PFA members in their donations to support people in Gaza, who have been living for over half a year without the food, clean water and sanitation needed to survive. 

“Their generosity helps the Oxfam Confederation, and our partners provide lifesaving aid to those in dire need during this appalling humanitarian catastrophe.”