Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) has invited some of Australia’s most influential player agents to meet and discuss the key issues under consideration ahead of the finalisation of the new broadcast rights deal and FFA/PFA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

To be held on the afternoon of Friday 27 October, key agenda items will include:

• The A-League Collective Bargaining Agreement;
• Regulatory Issues Affecting Players; and
• FFA Licensed Player Agents and FFA Relations.

Discussions will be led by PFA Chief Executive Nick Holland, who will be joined by PFA Legal Counsel Brendan Schwab and PFA Manager of Player Advocacy Laura Sigal.

Schwab will play an integral role alongside Holland in the negotiation of a new CBA, with the current agreement due to expire in April 2013.

Also in attendance will be Tribal Sports Management, run by FIFA licensed match and player agent Lou Sticca.  Sticca was instrumental in securing Alessandro Del Piero’s move to Sydney FC, and according to Holland it has never been more important to ensure that players’ contract security and wellbeing is looked after to continue to grow the League and attract quality players.

“Never has the game been in a better position to achieve stability and move forward in partnership with the players, who are at the very centre of our game and who the fans are coming out in record numbers to see.

It’s vital that during these negotiations we do not lose sight of this and I look forward to discussing these important matters with some of the key individuals that play an important role in the lives of our members”, said Holland.